Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Philip Phillips won in American Idol Season 11

Actually, it's shocking for me that Philip Phillips won in the American Idol. But in some part of mine, I expected that Philip Phillips will won. If you can analyse it well, The winners (not all) of the American Idol are pop-ish/country-ish, has looks and charisma, not basing it on REAL TALENT. The winner of the American Idol 10, Scotty McCreery, is just like Philip Phillips: looks, charisma and country-ish

The total votes of the grand finals of this American Idol reached 132 million voted that became the highest record of votes. But majority of it, goes to Philip Phillips. The possible reason can be: looks, charisma, country-ish. But why are they basing it on that? I, support for Jessica Sanchez. Every time Jessica performs on American Idol, I have this feeling that I cannot explain and always goosebumps everywhere. She has the voice and the talent. While Philip olny has the looks. Pathetic and Criticise.

My fellow Filipinos got the same reaction as they knew Philip won, espoecially in the social networking. As of now, trending topics in the Philippines are: #JessicaForTheWin, and #YouAreThePhilippinesIdolJessica.

Also my fellow classmates reacted and my Twitter timeline. :))

  • @DiBaPwedeng:  After sucking 132 millions of cougar & female teens' votes And your American idol Season 11 winner is PHILLIP PHILLIPS!
  • @MgaKasabihan:  Philip Phillips may be the American Idol, but Jessica Sanchez will be the world idol. 
  • @KOGORadio:  Phillip Phillips wins American Idol. Did America get it wrong or what? Jessica Sanchez will be big star. Phillip will become faint memory.
  • @theigi16:  RT ": 2 straight seasons where the idol winners are based on looks. Pathetic.

Sorry for criticising. My opinion overules.

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