Saturday, September 22, 2012

Fandom Problems

I admit it. I'm doing fandom over Coldplay and Yellowcard and wishing that someday they'll notice or recognise me.

Fandom is a way of expressing of being a fan in a form of Social Networking sites like Twitter, Facebook, etc. It is also by checking their different random pictures of your idols on the internet and watching their appreances on YouTube or anywhere else. Other term for fandom is "fangirling" (which I am not fond of).

By doing fandoms for like 6 months I observe my co-fandom Coldplayers (fans of Coldplay) and little Underdogs (fans of Yellowcard) wishes that their idol will recognise or notice them or in a highest level of wish, to meet them all by themselves personally. Other fandom-ers wishes came true. One example is from my Coldplayer friend from UK. She won a meet-and-greet tickets to Coldplay in their province so she organised a letter sender that she planned to send our letters to Coldplay and we will send it through her email. We sent it through her email and she printed it out. She met Coldplay, in person, for a time of 5 minutes (She told me the whole story of her experience of meet-and-greet), which is too short (it should be like 30 minutes, in my opinion). But sadly, a personnel instructed her not to give anything to Coldplay so she had no choice but not to give it though.

Fandom in Twitter is also a way to earn more followers. Basically, in my account, as of now I have 433 followers and counting. The first reason why I joined fandom is because to earn followers, because my classmates in my school have followers like 300+, 400+, and the highest so far is 1000+, and the reason of it why that user has that amount of followers because of Fandom. But because of the help of the Coldplayers and Underdogs there, they made me realise the true essense of Fandom, for your idol to recognise you.

For the past 6 months that I'm in the Fandom industry, I observed especially Coldplayers how they love Coldplay. And because of my observations, such theories popped into my mind and here are those:

Levels of Fandom:
  • The join-in the Fanbase — This is where all fandom-ers start. They'll request follow back to the different people in that fanbase. Most likely, when you request a follow back from a famous one, they won't respond. And most likely, such ordinary persons that I requested to follow me back, they're nice to follow you back and they'll reply: "done!" "Done! For a Coldplayer," like that. But I have an encounter which I requested her to follow me back (I'm not forcing her to follow me) but she replied, "Oh no way you people who requesting to follow you back, back off!" If you encounter this, don't  reply, just block that user.
  • Earning Followers — If you have a several followers and it started to become many, it means the fanbase can recognise you. 
  • Asking You to Follow Back — if there are few and several people are asking you to follow back, follow them to pay respect back. 
  • Famous in the Fanbase — if you're followers contains 400+ and 80% of your followers came from the fanbase. 
  • Your Idol replied/favourited/retweeted your Tweet — In my experience, every time Coldplay tweets (Coldplay tweets very seldom), Coldplayers usually favourite and retweet their tweet. And most of the Coldplayers reply on the tweet, hoping Anchorman (The person in Coldplay Twitter page that every tweet will end in "A" tweet which means "Anchorman"), Chris, Jonny, Will, Guy, Phil Harvey (Coldplay's Fifth Member) and Roadie #42 (In every tweet in the last part stated "R42") will reply on their tweet. And Coldplay seldom reply on their fans tweets, so if you got a reply from them, in our fanbase it means you are blessed. 
  • Your Idol followed you — this is the highest faculty that a Coldplayer in the Twitter can get. As far as I observed, Coldplay now are starting to follow Coldplayers but as I noticed, Coldplay follows Coldplayers that are not a dying hard fan types. And I don't know why. 
  • Meet and Greet Your Idol — this is the faculty that all of the Coldplayers will treat you like a saint. Because you met Coldplay and we think that if you meet Coldplay the particles/soul/whatever is with you also. 

  1. When you have 400+ followers in your fanbase = dominance
  2. When you idol replied you on your Twitter = you think you meet and greeted them
  3. When you hear on the radio that you won a meet and greet to your idol = I know you're jumping there and crying
  4. When your Idol followed you on Twitter = you think they're witnessing all of your tweets that's why if they follow you, you'll tweet also about your personal life
  5. When you're idol just made a Tumblr Account = the members of your fanbase will also make a Tumblr account
  6. When your idol reblogged you on Tumblr = your crying and you announced it on Twitter. 
I know we have the same symbolism. 

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