Saturday, November 10, 2012

Blogpost #0001: As I report the highlighted happenings on the LITMUSPORTS and what's with the LITMUSPORTS.

Well, it's been last year since this blog has been created. I think it is last Intramurals I think? Speaking of that,  because last year it is called Intramurals (The Sportsfest in our school or inter-batch competitions through sports), now it is called LITMUSPORTS.

IF you're asking what is LITMUSPORTS and what is the difference? Well, LITMUSPORTS literally means, Literary(LIT), Music(MU) and Sports. The difference of the LITMUSPORTS this year is, there are literary and Musical Competitions that each batch will have their representatives. Of course, sports part from the last Intramurals won't be remove.

Actually the event itself is done. Last year I am on the sophomore team and now I am in the Junior Team, with the same batch.

The first day is the most highlighted part of the said event, there are parade of the athletes (which all of the students of the school are considered athletes even though I don't consider myself as an athlete) which was held outside the school. To be honest I don't get the purpose of the parade. I know they are portraying like the happenings or the event-sequence of the London Olympics but the thing is they can't really portray that because the set up usually is at night but the parade is in morning and you can feel the temperature that is hot.
The Cheering Exibition follow afterwards. Well the Juniors have a 2 awards: best in costume (to be honest the costumes are in last minute) and I forgot the other. Well after those we had our practice for the English Literary which is part of the LITMUSPORTS.

The second day—we had whole day practices for the Literary. We had our dry run in the Auditorium but our performance that time is not synchronised—not a contest quality. That day we polished everything to perfection.

The third day was the most intense. We practised harder because of our agony that we might lose in the contest and the dry run the day before in the Auditorium is absolutely fail, we practised and surprisingly, we perfected all the steps and in the actual contest it was smooth, but there are minor mistakes but it's not obvious at all. We won 1st Place or the Champion on the Poetry Theatre. I'm very happy for our team. Marvellous. I mean, to be honest we are Underdogs because the day before—the dry run, it's obviously fail then in the actual performance during the contest, it was success!

The fourth or the last day, we cheered for the Championships of the different games. It's fun cheering, but tiring. Other people lose their voice because of non-stop shouting. All in all we won 2nd place. To be honest we are agonising that we might be on the third place. We can't accept that especially if this year's Sophomores will say, "we defeated the juniors" well you slick you can't say that.

Let me just criticise the music. To be honest I don't like the Music that were played in the school. One Direction songs, "Call Me Maybe," those overheard songs that you can hear anywhere are just annoying. Then the feeling of if they play it, you will just shout from the midst, "stop playing that sh*t" or you will tend to cover your ears and make a sound from your mouth so you can't hear anything from the outside.

The First LITMUSPORTS, is fun and marvellous. Even though there are controversies happened especially on the last day. I won't tell that in detailed version.

And now the LITMUSPORTS is done, back to regular classes. I am on agony in this moment. I'm not reaady for classes this monday.

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