Friday, March 16, 2012

(Social) [Video] 20 Reasons Why I Dislike The Philippines

This video is about this American named Jimmy Seiczka that he was staying here in the Philippines (specifically Cebu for about three and a half years. He also featured a video, "20 reasons why I love the Philippines." This video first posted on YouTube and later on in Channelfix Website.

"Hi, I'm Jimmy. I've been living and working in the Philippines for three and a half years. In that time, I've seen and experienced all the beauty and wonders that this country has to offer. I've also seen and experienced all the fucking bullshit that this country has to offer," Seizcka said in the introduction of his video essay. "And here's one of them. There's a gigantic sink hole in the sidewalk, how do you fix it? Put a fucking garbage can in it."

Seiczka's "hate list" includes: street vendors who sell sexual performance enhancer, the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), the lack of proper sanitation in market food stalls, Pinoy's obsession with whitening products, pollution, plastic bags all over the street, drivers who ignore traffic laws, lazy security guards, and so on.

But the reaction of the Department of Tourism (DOT) here in the Philippines, they do not worried at all that it could affect their tourism campaign. They said there's more positive than negative insights. Plus, they listen to the comments like Seiczka did whether it is positive or negative.

In my opinion, that is the right thing that the DOT acts, listens and bringing to the government. But what is the government doing right now? Do they act?


Adriani (Yan Yan) Abellana said...

dude hindi lng sa pilipinas na yan kahit san ka magpunta maraming basura sa daan, mga pulubi tutuo naman talaga ang sinabi nya e ang cebu pa nga hindi sya masyadong polluted not like in napakarumi talaga..

Anonymous said...

sometimes the truth hurts but lets face it.If we want growth and changes we have to start the basic by starting to clean-up.I am a cebuana and I love and proud to be but as the population grows also the comsumption of plastic bag that goes to the garbage which accumulates on the side of the streets.Everytime mosakay ko ug bus I can see the big problem.I am hoping to win a lottery so I can buy all the garbage that ruins our soil,rivers and seas.It always reminds me of a song from Freddie Aguilar.I have some friends that would like to visit Cebu and I always told them not to look down just to look up because I don't want them to see all the garbage and spoil the beauty of Cebu.Whatever this guy was posting is the truth and sometimes we need to do something to improve our Island and the rest of the Philippines.There is a saying that it is better poor and clean than a rich messy bitch.Cleanliness is next to godliness and we are supposed to be religious so why not start cleaning and be the cleanest City in the Philippines to start with.

Anonymous said...

also by starting to clean up our surroundings then maybe we could start also to clean up all the people that works in the government especially in the motor vehicle licensing.Corruption face to face.Family ties generation of theft and corruption.Abuse of power due to money hungry that only serve themselves and they don't care because they new they are protected.I do applaud all those people that serves the truth and their lives will be fruitful and ease.I am trying not to be involved in this kind of open opinion because I am supposed to be bias so nobody get hurt but it is time our time to shine so we need to start cleaning before we can fix everything that lies ahead.As i always say I love the upper side of Cebu(I mean mountain up not mountain down)I don't always get it right but I am never been wrong.Stop drinking and start cleaning ang sing karaoke after.

zel said...

honestly, after watching the video, and in the entire duration of the video, i was laughing, Jimmy just looked so lost, and at the end of the video, sad, well, my opinion, maybe he was having a hard time adjusting here, accept it, we filipinos are crazy, i was particularly laughing about the beeping cars, maybe he does, especially the taxis, maybe he does not know the reason of the beeping, it usually to get a potentioal passenger's attention, if you need a ride, and sometimes a greeting. and the loud music at night, well, what can we do, filipinos love loud music! but he has a point about the trash and the cr, we really need to fix that, and the guards, well, our stores are not that technologically driven with cctv and all,

zel said...

and restrictions on guns and weapons are not the strictly imposed by our government or the police force, take for example, the balisong, beinte-nueve or butterfly knife, in the US it is a criminal offense if you are found keeping it in your body, but here in us, anyone can carry it around, even an unlicensed gun which makes it very easy for criminals to conduct their crimes thus the many guards in our business establishment, but Jimmy, at the end of the video, i really pity him, i mean, he really looked sad at the end of the video, he just wants a cold beer at the end of the of the day but instead was served a warm one, the waitress should have done a better job, lol!

zel said...

Jimmy boy, c'mon, give it time, you'll eventually like it here, this place philippines, it grows on you, when you will learn to accept the craziness of the filipino psyche, but dont worry, we are slowly making progress, thanks to people like you who have the guts to give us a rude awakening, we filipinos has a manana habit and usually get into action only when given a shock, lol!! and dont worry, we are a very forgiving people, just look at our former dictator president, after a few years many of us are wanting to give him a hero's burial, forgetting the things he did in the past, so dont worry, one day the filipinos will forget your video and will be grateful instead for your concern. BUT I SUGGEST, DONT JUST STAY IN OUR CITIES, GO TO OUR BEACHES, WE HAVE THE MOST BEAUTIFUL BEACHES IN THE WORLD, MANY ARE YET UNDISCOVERED AND GET TO KNOW US MORE, FILIPINOS, THEN YOU'LL SEE YOU'LL FIND A REASON TO LIKE THE PHILIPPINES, DONT BE SAD ANYMORE, EXPLORE THE PHILIPPINES MORE!!!

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