Saturday, March 30, 2013

Discovered new and true Music: Hard-Fi.

I discovered them last March 22, while I was watching Live From Abbey Road and when I saw them performing, their music was my jam that's why it ended up downloading their songs, watching their Music Videos and more. Well I know their names right now (seriously I'm not looking at Wikipedia or something that I need to recall), the guy at the most left is Steve Kemp, he's the drummer, then next to him (to the right) is Richard Archer, he's the main vocalist and sometimes he needs to play guitar in some of their songs, then next to him is Ross Phillips, he's the lead guitarist and one of the back vocals and on the right most is Kai Stephens, he's the bassist and back vocals also.

My favourite song from them is "Suburban Knights" because it has an awesome rhythm that you will tend to dance if you hear this song. 

Then one of my favourites is "Hard To Beat" (as far as I know it's the most popular song from them) like honestly the lyrics and the music video is so "PBB Teens" like he wants to love or "flirt" the girl. 

The thing is their music is awesome but maybe other people might think I'm hipster (even though I'm not) because they're just perfect but I've influenced a fellow Coldplayer to hear their songs and she said that Hard-Fi is brilliant. She added that their music is so good but they lack attention. I totally agree with that!

I've watched one of their Music Video from their latest album named, "Good For Nothing" and I observed that they shoot it somewhere in Latin America or in Spain and at the end of the chorus in this song, they included the spanish phrase, "no no bueno para nada" but honestly it cringes me. I don't criticise Latin American people or Spanish people—actually I like their races because of their jolly personality or just because I got this envy instinct that a British band went to their country/ies to be patriotic towards their race.
And my mind thought wider: "what if they will make a new Music Video then they'll shoot here in the Philippines and they'll shoot the iconic places here?" I can visualise that they're at the back of Rizal Park, Boracay, Palawan, Baguio, Sagada, what? (Okay Justine this is impossible stop dreaming) The "no no bueno para nada" part I tend to change that in Filipino, "no no mabuti para sa wala." (Sorry for being patriotic on my own race)

That's why I posted this blogpost because who knows, they might read this. Maybe I can preach that I'm their biggest fan so far because I can't see anyone yet from Twitter that they're doing their "fanaticism" moments towards them and I found out that their fanbase is so small and the members are not-so-active and untied unlike what I've been fond of with my Coldplayers and honestly I want to enlarge their fanbase by encouraging others to listen to their songs.

Seriously, I'm a hardcore fan of Hard-Fi, the biggest fan. No regrets. 

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